We’re proud to strictly follow the recommendations of the most respected health and nutrition experts regarding the amount (and type) of carbohydrates we serve you.
Carbohydrates are the main, most important energy source of the human diet. "Good" carbs include foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains, while ‘bad’ carbs are found in foods like refined white bread, soda, and sugary treats like cookies and candy.
The amount of carbohydrates found in each of our meal plans is below. The large majority of these are healthy, good carbs that come from vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and seeds.
*The recommended amount of carbs to consume per day according to the National Academy of Sciences: 46-65% of total calories.
Average Carbs in Healthy For Life Meals per day, as a percent of total calories:
1200 Calorie Traditional Plan 51%
2000 Calorie Traditional Plan 50%
1500 Calorie Vegetarian Plan 51%
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